So I started getting a box of organic veggies and fruits delivered to my work place weekly as part of a CSA box subscription. Also, I am happy to report I am now down 15 pounds and would like to lose up to five more.
The CSA box subscription has really broadened my range of veggies, which I thought was already pretty broad. I get all these freakin’ LEAVES in there, I have no idea what is what, and have to look up the names on the internet and match the leaf. I feel so silly. And then have to look up recipes. I mean, wtf is sorrel? I had to look up sorrel. Apparently sorrel is very popular in Europe – they used it in and on everything, up to and including their mother.
The good news is, my sister is a serious vegetarian (pretty much has been her whole life). I dump all the high carb items and stuff I don’t like on her so I’m not wasting food. I support a starving artist!
I will take you on a picture journey of all the leafy rabbit food I’ve gotten in my CSA box subscription for the past two or three weeks.

Apparently you can eat the greens of a turnip. I don’t remember what I did with the turnip itself. Maybe turned it into a dip. Or that was a radish. I did not eat the greens. I think I gave them to my sister. Or perhaps that was radish greens. I did try it first.

This leafy monster is called sorrel. Turns out this stuff is awesome. It tastes like a bitter wild blueberry or bitter wild strawberry. I added small pieces of it to my salad and I really am into it. I hope to get more and get more creative with it in the future.

I am only familiar with oregano as a dried flaky thing that comes in bottles and quickly expires. So I got a bundle in one of my baskets. They advised I hang it upside down to dry it out in a dark place. So I’m pretty sure this bundle of leaves is still in my closet.

This has been in every basket since I started and I love it. But I had to go buy a salad spinner (so lame) because you really gotta clean it off (grit, ugh) and it sucks to dry manually. I own a salad spinner…

This is fennel. In general, I hate it. It tastes like licorice. Fortunately, my sister likes it. A friend served me sliced up fennel bulb with beets and it was pretty good. But I still will loudly declare that I hate this stuff.

I’ve heard of collard greens, but I’m from Massachusetts. Don’t they eat these things in the south? I am actually hoping to cook these tonight with some bacon grease. Let’s hope they turn out OK. They actually taste really good raw, too.

I had no idea there was a version of mint called ‘chocolate mint’. I don’t really care for mint but this stuff is AWESOME. I made it into pesto and covered green beans with it. WIN.

I love boy choy. I made a stir fry with it the other day. Was pretty happy when this lil cupcake cutie was in my basket the other week. It’s just so cute!!

I had NO idea what this was and it wasn’t on the basket list. I had to post to the INTERNET for help. Turns out it’s ‘red kale’. I love kale. But THIS kale sucks! I had to spit out a leaf. Better look up what the heck to do with it. Maybe give this one to my sister.
Have I overwhelmed you with the ridiculous number of green things you can eat? I know I am. I’ll stop here.
What is your favorite leafy green thing to eat?
A says
Sarah! You can’t possibly hate Red Kale!!! It is the yummiest thing on the planet! LoL I’m a vegetarian so most of this amazing and wonderful site is not really for me, but a lot of things are. I love the ideas you have for veggies. That beet cake looks amazing and I WILL be trying it this weekend.
Here’s an idea that you may like for Red Kale:
Cut it up into pieces, wash and let drain.
In a pan, sautee leeks, garlic and shallots in low salt butter
Add drained cut Kale – stir to mix all ingredients.
Season with South African Smoke Seasoning (can be found really cheap at Trader Joes).
Cover and simmer until done!
You will love it – I promise! 🙂 Feel free to add any type of meat you like. My friend loves it with bacon or ham bits and also with shrimp. The South African seasoning is the key ingredient here. If you like that smokey rich flavor you will love it. It goes really well with almost everything – eggs, fish, soups, you name it!
Beautiful site…’re amazing! (Although I must request more kitty pictures. Not nearly enough kitty pictures!)
admin says
Sounds amazing, I have a bunch of kale sitting in my fridge right now. I’ll make this recipe this week and let you know <3